Nadya Suleman, known as Octomom in the media, gained popularity after giving birth to octuplets in January 2009. It was known that the Suleman octuplets are the second octuplets ever born alive and complete in the United States. She earned a negative reaction from the public after denying that she had six other young children and was on public assistance programs. It was discovered that she conceived her six older children and octuplets via in vitro fertilization (IVF).

It was only in April 2012 that she confirmed she was indeed on public assistance. Her doctor was investigated by the California medical board and the license was revoked in 2011. Suleman has appeared on television shows Dr. Phil and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Suleman then filed for bankruptcy in the same year. Due to the controversy, she gained more offers and publicity which lifted her career.
