Sidney Poitier’s career rose in the 60s when he started acting in theatres and films. In 1964, he catapulted his career when he won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his Lilies of the Field movie. He also became the first black male ever to receive prestigious recognition, making his name even more popular in the industry. As someone raised in The Bahamas by tomato farmers, Poitier worked his way to reach his star, even when there were conflicts on race during his time.

Although he is now retired at age 94, the industry still acknowledges Poitier’s contributions up to this day. The Arizona State University named their new film school as The Sidney Poitier New American Film School as a recognition to the star and set his story as an inspiration to all. The said school shall offer various film degree programs for aspirants and is poised to be one of the world’s largest and diverse film schools.
