Linda Gray is known for playing the role of Sue Ellen in the long-running TV show Dallas. The series aired from 1978 to 1991. Dallas was a widely renowned TV show and perhaps the biggest TV show there ever was in its time. Aside from that, the 79-year-old star also played other notable roles, like in the movies Oscar and Wally’s Will. Despite her age, Gray remains active in the industry. She had a role in the recent film Grand Daddy Day Care and Intuitions.

However, Dallas remains her most successful show, for which Gray won four different awards, including a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. She continuously receives credit for perfectly portraying Sue Ellen’s role. Gray has appeared in various YouTube videos recently, and, on Instagram, she revealed that she had the most challenging time of her life dealing with the loss of her child. As a young girl, she was a supermodel, and now, she is a superhero for having those powers to stop her aging.
