The beloved R&B performer Kelly Price is said to be a fan of workouts and healthy diets. Previously weighing about 300 pounds, she observed proper discipline in her eating habits and followed a rigorous exercise program that ultimately led her to lose a significant portion of her former weight. She immediately felt the positive effect of her hard work on her self esteem. As such, the 47-years-old Kelly is resolute in sustaining her healthy lifestyle while unceasingly losing the remaining fats.

She was very honest about her transformation over the years. She even gets a photograph of herself before and after her diet and exercise regimen. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that many admirers were delighted to see her new fit body and positive attitude, although we believe that her list of popular hits like “Friend of Mine”, “As We Lay”, “Mirror Mirror”, and “Tired” can use some updating too. With her new album hitting the charts, she will probably need to employ a Financial Advisor to manage her income.
