After her appearance in Birds of a Feather skyrocketed her career, Pauline Quirke soon fell into a cycle of unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. As she continuously started to gain weight, she soon realized that she had to do something about her current state. She took out her investments and spent them on transitioning to a better and healthier route. Thankfully, her plans ended well. You can confirm that when you see her right now.

With regular exercise and a strict diet, Quirke incredibly shrunk into a size 12 from her old body size of 28. The best part of this is that it only took her a few months to obtain this result. She moved on from a life of carefree vices and hasn’t looked back since, as the American actress maintains her ideal weight by embracing her newfound healthier habits. Now, she won’t need to call her insurance agents anytime soon.
