Carrie Fisher rose to fame as Princess Leia in the Star Wars film installment in 1977. She was in thecreditsof many films such as Garbo Talks, Hannah and Her Sisters, and When Harry Met Sally… Apart from it, Carrie gained popularity for being a celeb kid.

She was the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Her parents were two of the hottest celebrities in their heydays who gained more popularity when they split. Reynolds made her grand entrance in the entertainment business in the film Singin’ In the Rain in 1952. Since then, her career in Broadway and Hollywood was rock solid. Reynolds and Fisher were very close to each other and shared a lot of similarities, like their talent for singing and acting. The mother-daughter duo performed acts together on stages of Las Vegas. When Fisher entered Hollywood, Reynolds makes sure that her daughter would be safe and not get taken advantage of. Though their relationship was not always sweet and perfect, they managed to be each other’s fortress in times of trouble.
