Duncan Jones closely resembles his father, the legendary David Bowie, from his eyes to his facial features. David Bowie was a music icon and actor that have left quite the legacy in his music. Among his hit songs were Under Pressure, Ziggy Stardust, Heroes, and Ashes to Ashes just to name a few. He did dabble in acting when he was cast as the Goblin King, Jared, in Labyrinth. And it is this characteristic of his that his son has inherited.

Although Jones did not pursue an acting career or even considered music as his work, he found his niche as a writer and a director. Among his works include Moon, Source Code, and Mute. Though he acquired a degree in philosophy, Jones shifted to London Film School where he got all the knowledge he needed to become a director of sci-fi films. His father left an inheritance to him and his siblings, which also added to his net worth.
