Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, also known by her screen name Elizabeth Taylor, started her acting career as a teenager during World War II, with her first film entitled There’s One Born Every Minute. After a few years, she started taking on adult characters where she usually portrays a passionate and delicate yet strong-willed woman. Her image in many of her movies is that of a woman of confidence and sophistication. For her personal life, she had to hire several lawyers for several failed marriages with different big names in Hollywood. Nevertheless, she never failed to be a loving mother to her children until her passing in 2011.

Just like some children of superstars, Liza Todd has also avoided the spotlight, which what her mother also wanted. Elizabeth wanted to hide Liza and her siblings’ identities. Despite having wanted to become an actress herself when she was a child, Liza didn’t pursue acting but still followed her creative roots and ventured into a career in sculpting. Her masterpiece is known internationally, such as the bronze monument of a calf in Gstaad, Switzerland. Her most famous work is the sculpture of a life-sized dog in memory of the World Trade Center bombing back in 2001.
