O.J. Simpson was a famous professional football player. He got the nickname “Mr. Juice” because of his short name as OJ. He studied for a degree at the University of Southern California, where he played for the USC Trojans. During his 11-year NFL career, O.J. played as running back for the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers. He holds the record of 143 yards-per-game average. Simpson and his first wife, Marguerite Whitley, had three children. Meanwhile, with his second wife, Nicole Simpson, O.J. had two after they got married in 1985.

His youngest, Justin Ryan Simpson, is now 32 and definitely looks like his father. Justin, however, has chosen a career path different from that of his father, pursuing his passion and thriving in the real estate market. The youngest Simpson graduated from Florida State University last 2010. Simpson, now in Las Vegas, Nevada, occasionally visits Justin and Sydney. They still maintain a close relationship with their father.
