Do you know the actor who has earned the credit for playing the famous James Bond role? His name is Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan. He is an Irish actor and the fifth to play the said role. He became active in the acting industry back in 1975 and has garnered a large number of roles since then. He has also managed to snatch a couple of the most coveted awards in the industry. With all his achievements it is no wonder that the actor might never require any cash loans. His net worth is a whopping 200 million dollars!

In 2001, his son, Paris Brosnan, was born. Aside from being one of the inheritors of the family’s fortune, Paris has also gotten his father’s good looks! The father and son duo displays the same charm and flair. While the older Brosnan has chosen to take on the entertainment industry, the younger Brosnan has chosen to go into the fashion industry. The two might have gone on different paths, but they’re surely rocking their respective fields!
