Clint Eastwood is one of the biggest names in Hollywood. He is an American actor, film director, composer and producer who achieve success in the Western TV series “The Book of Skins”. People have a deep memory that he played the role of the “Man with No Name” in the US dollar trilogy of “Spaghetti Westerns” in the mid-1960s. This may trigger great expectations on his son, Scott Eastwood, who also joined the entertainment world.

It looks like the 33-year-old star is trying to live his father’s legacy and fame. He joined part of hit movies like The Fate of the Furious and Suicide Squad. Aside from his good looks, he also inherited his father’s incredible acting skills and charisma. However, Scott Eastwood did not rely on his father to break into the film industry. He was initially taken over by Scott Reeves while performing at the California Theater. Later, Clint asked him to audition for small roles like “Greater Turin” and paid him the SAG minimum wage.
